Listening to Our Neighbors in Need

The Light house recently completed a Fund for Shared Insight Initiative’s Listen4Good grant award cycle, which gave us the opportunity to build sustainable, high-quality, client-focused feedback loops!

This process allowed our staff to listen to and respond to the people in our community who we seek to help by designing and administering surveys. During the grant cycle, we were able to survey 188 Light House clients and gain meaningful feedback in many areas of our programs and services.

We are excited to report that of the 188 Light House residents and community clients surveyed:

  • 97% said that Light House programs and services met their needs, and
  • 97% said that Light House staff treated them with respect!

A special thank you to our many clients who participated in these surveys and to The Helen J. Serini Foundation and Listen4Good for giving us this opportunity!

View our full survey results here!