35 Years of Neighbors Helping Neighbors
November 22, 1989
The Light House is Founded by Area Congregations
We soon opened our doors on West Street, serving 15 residential clients and providing lunches to community members.
Anchor House Opens
The first of now five transitional housing properties which provide low cost housing options for up to two years.
August, 1996
March, 2002
Friends of The Light House is Formed
This separate non-profit, was formed as a community-based organization whose volunteers host several annual events to help support the operating costs of The Light House.
The Light House Opens its Doors at 10 Hudson Street
The 24,000 square foot facility quadrupled the number of residents we serve and enabled us to expand our outreach programs.
October, 2010
February, 2012
Employment Training Program Begins
We have since graduated over 500 students, preparing them with the tools and skill sets they need to achieve their employment goals..
Light House Bistro Opens
Our former shelter at 202 West Street was repurposed and reopened as Light House Bistro, providing training and employment opportunities for our program graduates.
February, 2017
January, 2018
Improved Safe Harbour Resource Center Opens
Refocused on prevention and diversion support, and outreach to those experiencing street homelessness—stabilizing hundreds of households each year.
We now serve over 2,400 community members in need each year.